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更新时间:2010-07-11 11:22:20点击次数:5367次


    佛教在线海外讯 据斯里兰卡《每日新闻》报道,联合国秘书长潘基文在一条庆贺卫赛节的留言中表示:我很高兴在卫赛节这天问候大家,2008年,当我出访尼泊尔,在蓝毗尼园看到标志佛陀诞生之地的石柱时,我就很受感动,那石柱和寺院都给我留下了深刻的印象,我将一直记得摩耶夫人祠的僧人们的善行,佛祖的一生和他的理论激励着全世界数以万计的人们。





    The Buddha"s teachings inspires millions- UN Secretary General

    UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in a message to mark Vesak states: I am pleased to send greetings on Vesak Day, which marks the Birth, Enlightenment and Passing Away of The Buddha."

   "Millions of people around the world have been inspired by The Buddha"s life and teachings. I was personally very moved last year when I visited Nepal and saw the stone at Lumbini marking the Buddha"s birthplace. I was impressed by the monuments and monasteries. I will always remember the kindness of the monks at the Mayadevi Temple."

   "As I walked through the sacred area, I thought about the life journey of this extraordinary individual, who transformed himself from a sheltered prince to the founder of one of the world"s great religions."

   "He was rich. He could have lived a carefree existence. But he was troubled by the suffering of others, so much so that he left behind the comforts of his palace to help others overcome the painful realities of life.

   "All of us can learn from The Buddha"s spirit of compassion. His timeless teachings can help us to navigate the many global problems we face today."

   "The financial crisis, climate change, pandemics, terrorism and other international threats prove that the fates of all people are linked. A problem in one country can quickly turn into a worldwide threat. I constantly remind leaders that we must act together or we will fail individually. I tell them that we must join forces in solidarity. Not only is this the right thing to do; it is in our best interests."

   "The need for global solidarity may seem like a modern concept, but it is not. More than 2,500 years ago, The Buddha taught that nothing exists in isolation, and that all phenomena are interdependent. Just as profoundly, he taught that we cannot be happy as long as others suffer, and that when we do reach out, we discover the best in ourselves."

   "These teachings offer wisdom for our times, too. Now it falls to each of us, wherever we are and whatever we do, to carry on this spirit. On this Day of Vesak, let us resolve to help people who are suffering so that we may secure a better future for all."


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